Prospective Families
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Philosophy of Christian Education
True education is Biblical and Christian as found in the Word of God and centered around the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is that education or training that is based upon and seeks to incorporate Biblical truths and principles in every area of life through the medium of teaching by word and deed to guide every individual to maturity in Christ.
The Biblical Christian philosophy of education is that God is the essence and source of all truth; that reverential fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, understanding and knowledge; that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that in Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge; and that He is the beginning of all things and by Him all things are and were created (literal interpretation of the Genesis record).
God’s goal for all Christians is that they become “perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (II Timothy 3:17). All activity should be designed to bring the Christian to eventual conformity to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29). Since this is God’s goal, it must be the primary goal of Christian education that every student is brought to the place where they conform to the image of Christ.
The Bible places the responsibility of educating children upon the parents. Parents are instructed to teach God’s Word “diligently” (Deuteronomy 6:7) and to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).
Since parents are responsible for the education of their children (not the state), and since they have delegated some of the educating process to the Christian school, the Christian school operates in loco parentis. With this in mind, the Christian school is to teach Biblical principles that reinforce the Christian home. The home and Christian school must work together to effectively train young people for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Admission Requirements
Vandalia Christian School is primarily in the ministry of edifying saved individuals for the cause of Christ in support of the Christian home. As such, the following are general guidelines for admission:
- At least one of the parents must be a born-again Christian.
- High school students must be born-again Christians.
- Students in elementary school do not have to be born again to be admitted, however they will receive the training and encouragement to accept Christ as Savior.
- Students must score at or beyond the 50th percentile on their latest standardized achievement test. In the case that a student did not take one, VCS will administer an entrance test. Exceptions may be made to this policy for various extenuating circumstances.
The following documents must also be provided prior to being admitted to Vandalia Christian School:
- A copy of the student’s birth certificate
- Immunization records
- Transcript from former school for those entering 10th grade and above
Admission Procedures
- A parent should call the school to schedule a personal meeting with one of the administration.
- If the prospective student is entering the high school, they will be interviewed by one of the principals. The student will be asked about their salvation and their desires to attend Vandalia.
- The parent completes an application and signs the Statement of Cooperation.
- All students entering 1st-12th grades will be given an entrance test unless we receive records of that student having taken a standardized test during the previous school year.
- The student is enrolled or placed on a waiting list if the grade is full.