Senior Erin Young and Junior Evie Young competed March 5th at Christian Cheerleaders of America National Cheer Competition in the duo division! The girls created and choreographed a routine that included a cheer, jumps and 8-count! Their creativity, great cheer voices and sharp motions enabled them to place first in their division and grouping! The girls nailed their routine with a score of 97 out of 100! AMAZING! However, as well as their commitment to VCS and cheer, the girls were both given CCA’s Cheer Scholar Award. The Cheer Scholar Award is given to cheerleaders that maintain a GPA over 3.0. VCS Cheerleading Coach, Kim Hazelwood stated, “My girls are overachievers and have 4.0 (Erin) and 3.7 (Evie) GPAs! These two ladies were my captains this year and did an amazing job through a difficult year keeping everyone motivated and working hard! I am so proud of these two girls for so many different reasons!”